Inspire Yourself


Growing up, my mom would print out inspirational quotes and messages and tape them to my bathroom mirror. They would say things like “Smile, You are Beautiful”. I really never realized what kind of impact those little messages made in my life. Waking up and reading those positive thoughts was so inspirational. When I moved out, anytime I was feeling down I would think about those little notes. They were now imprinted in my head, and gave me comfort when I felt down. I encourage everyone to put something inspirational up. Place it somewhere you will see every morning when you wake up. The difference it will make in your life is incredible.

2 thoughts on “Inspire Yourself”

  1. I grew up in a household where my parents continually reminded me of who I was and it surely has molded me into who I am today. I’m a HUGE fan of this so much so I passed it on to the girls in my dorm while serving as a resident assistant…sometimes people need to be reminded of how totally awesome they are.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing! It really is the small things that make the biggest difference. Luckily, you and I had great parents, and its nice that we can pass our inspiration to others who weren’t as lucky!

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