Helping Others to Help Yourself


A couple years ago, I lost my wallet. I made the poor decision of keeping my social security card, my check book, a large amount of cash and other various things inside of my wallet. I was so bummed, I thought for sure whoever got a hold of my wallet would not only deplete my bank account, but steal my identity and ruin my credit.

About a week later, a police officer knocked on my door and returned my wallet. Someone turned it in to the police! They didn’t touch the cash inside or anything. I was ecstatic. I felt so blessed that such a kind person picked it up and took time out of their day to try and get my wallet back to me.

After this, I decided that I wanted to do kind things for other people, in hopes that they too could feel that way. I started writing down the small things I did to help people. They were small simple things, like holding the door open for a group of people. It became a positive game for me. Each day, I was trying to do more helpful things than the previous day. Eventually I got to the point where I no longer wrote them down. I now was subconsciously doing nice things for people. It’s hard to have a bad day when you making others feel good.

I encourage everyone to write down the small positive things you do for others. Recent research actually shows that helping others does in fact have a positive impact on your life.

Click here to see for yourself-

One thought on “Helping Others to Help Yourself”

  1. I remember a day Liz when you were rear ended by an older woman in a luxury car in Newport Beach. She asked you not to turn the accident in to insurance and that she preferred to pay you cash for the damage to your vehicle. Your reply to her was that you wouldn’t turn it into insurance, and instead of giving you money, she could do someone else a favor that day. Like keep the good deeds rolling. That was soooooo generous of you. You didn’t have any money at the time, you were just starting a new business, and she had plenty. And yet, you selflessly gave more. You are an awesome woman Lizzie Skajem!

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